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K U R T  P E R S C H K L E

“I utilize my opportunity as an artist to be a catalyst for new encounters within the everyday"

E F F I E   P A L E O L O G O U

 ‘any more than I would Question a Window concerning Sight. I look thro’ it and not with it'

L A S Z L O   M O H O L Y- N A G Y 

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as the pen.”

M A R I A H   R O B E R T S O N
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“I always enjoy trying to make something out of the unwanted thing and go[ing] deeper into the disaster,”

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S T E V E N   P I P P I N

 “One way would be to turn photography in on itself so that a certain self destruction would occur"

P A U L   S N E L L

 “One way would be to turn photography in on itself so that a certain self destruction would occur."

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